Abbeville South Carolina Drama Camps

Drama camp full? Sign up for our e-mail list to stay up to date on future camps!

Drama camp: Ages 6-18 (By the first day of camp)
Camp Schedule: 4 pm-7pm
Thursday Call Time: 4 pm
Performance: Thursday, 4:30 pm and 6 pm
Tickets: $15 per person
(Babies/Toddlers do not get free entry)

OZ: The Musical
Drama camp: Ages 6-18 (By the first day of camp)
Camp Schedule: 4:30 pm-7:30 pm
Friday Call Time: 9 am
Performance: Friday, 11 am, 4 pm, & 6 pm
Tickets: $15 per person
(Babies/Toddlers do not get free entry)
Students go home between 11am & 4pm performances.

Seussical, Jr.
Drama camp: Ages 9-18 (By the first day of camp)
Tuition: $115 per student
Monday: 3pm-7pm
Tuesday-Thursday: 4pm-7pm
Friday Call Time: 9 am IN BASICS
Performance: Friday, 11 am & 6 pm
Tickets: $20 per person
(Babies/Toddlers do not get free entry)
Students go home between performances
Auditions for this musical are based on students’ previous camp reliability, talent, and performance. Roles will be automatically assigned for this camp.

The Jungle Book
CLICK HERE to sign up for our E-Mail list to know when camp registration opens!
Drama camp: Ages 6-18 (By the first day of camp)
Tuition: $65 per student
September 15-19: 5 pm – 7:30 pm
Performance: Friday, 5 pm
Tickets: $15 per person
(Babies/Toddlers do not get free entry)

Christmas Drama Camp (SHOW: TBD)
CLICK HERE to sign up for our E-Mail list to know when camp registration opens!
Drama camp: Ages 6-18 (By the first day of camp)
Camp Tuition: $95
November 30th – December 4th
Camp Hours: 5 pm – 8 pm
Performance: December 4th, 5 pm & 7 pm
Tickets: $15 per person
(Babies/Toddlers do not get free entry)